Happy Mother’s Day

I was asked to write an article for my aunt’s church bulletin for Mother’s Day featuring Naiya and some of our story— this year I feel so blessed to have 3 precious children to love. Keep reading to read the article…

“For the Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He takes great delight in you. He delights over you with singing and quiets you with His love.”
Zephaniah 3:17

This is my daughter’s first Mother’s Day with a mom. The first 15 months of her life was spent in an orphanage in China. They project that she was a couple days old when she was abandoned by her birth mother (who I feel compelled to remember and mention, because I am grateful to her for giving our daughter life)- most likely because of her medical needs. Naiya was named for the verse Zephaniah 3:17. Before Naiya was even conceived, God had a plan for her- a family for her- and He was at work.

Our family felt God’s leading to adopt again in July of 2010 after sharing a dream that I had where I was frantically turning a city upside down looking for a crying little girl. After considering both domestic and international adoption, we believed that we were to adopt from China (a place and people near to my heart since I lived and worked there for three years).

Adopting from China was what we knew we were supposed to do, but what we didn’t know was how it would even be possible financially. In this area, God wanted to grow our faith and remind us that it is He that owns all things and we were to trust Him as we pursued funding by working extra jobs, cashing in 401K’s, and applying for grants. What we learned: What God calls you to, He will provide. We want to thank you, Church of Christ Athens, for giving sacrificially and lovingly to our family to help us to bring home our amazing gift! When I shared the story of the people of your church giving to our family for the purpose of adoption with my 13 year old son, he was amazed and I even saw his faith begin to grow. My aunt, Dana Chacon, told me about a little girl emptying her piggy bank to give- we were humbled. A family that had walked the road of adoption before- we were thankful. Your church, cheerful givers that made a true difference for a little girl that they had never met, had no picture of, and didn’t even know her name- This is the Body of Christ. Thank you! I look forward to being able to share God’s provision through your church with Naiya when she is older.

Our adoption process took about 15 months from beginning to end. I say process, because there was a ton of paperwork and lots of waiting. In January of this year, our family travelled to China to bring Naiya home. Once she was in my arms, all the paperwork and waiting was forgotten. I couldn’t believe that I get to be this precious one’s mom.

Naiya has been home for about 3 ½ months. She is the most beautiful, joyful, funny, and loving child (I’m sure I’m biased). When I watch her and interact with her, I learn from her. She is living life to the fullest at the age of 18 months! She waves and smiles to those passing by brightening their day. She runs to me when she sees me with her arms open wide with reckless abandon. She buries her head in my chest and squeals with delight when I tickle her. She has captured all of our hearts. She is curious and soaking up every new experience. She is not living in her past. She is thriving in her now. Her name, Naiya, in Chinese means “to endure with grace”. It fits her perfectly.

We don’t look alike. She wasn’t born of my flesh. She calls me “Mama”. I’m Naiya’s mom and this Mother’s Day my daughter has a mother to cradle her, kiss her, make her laugh, and hold her hand. There is amazing joy and honor in being Naiya’s mom.
This Mother’s Day we are celebrating…together!


We have not fallen off the face of the earth, but we have taken a journey around the world!

This is a LONG overdue blog post. In one month, so much has taken place and…Our journey has led us to our sweet Naiya!

On January 21st, our family of 4 (soon to be 5) loaded up our suitcases and headed to the airport. We were ready to go bring home our daughter/sister!


We spent about 5 days in Beijing, my old stomping grounds- exploring, tasting, and getting used to a new time zone and a completely different culture.




We took another plane and traveled to Zhengzhou–This is the capital city of Naiya’s province (state) of Henan. When we arrived at our hotel, there was already a crib in our room. This is REAL! We unpacked and made her crib ready for her. We layed out her clothes and were extremely excited that the next day, the crib would be full.


On January 28, John and I woke up VERY early. We couldn’t sleep. After 14 months of WAITING, TODAY we would receive our DAUGHTER! We found ourselves nervous, excited, and prayerful…How would this new little girl incorporate into our family? What is she like? How will the boys adjust to a new sibling? How will Naiya accept her new family? Can we really do this? So many questions, so we took all of our thoughts to the One who knows all!


We got the boys up and started to get ready. John gifted each of us with superhero socks to wear. Something so simple and yet so special to kick off this epic day in our family.


We all (there were 12 other families adopting in our group) got on the bus at about 9:30am and took a 20 minute trip to the Social Welfare building. This is where our children would be brought and we would meet them there for the first time. Our family sat toward the back of the bus and we were the last ones into the building. We completely expected to wait some time (maybe even hours) for Naiya to arrive…To our suprise, she was ALREADY there! When we walked in, there she was!!! One of the orphanage workers was holding her and another person was calling out: “Dang Ying Jia’s parents…” “That’s ME. That’s US.” I thought. THAT’S HER!!!! John and the boys quickly got their cameras ready and I walked straight for her. They handed her to me and my arms and heart were full! Complete. At peace. Naiya cried A LOT. I’m sure she was uncertain, scared, and wondering, “Who is this person? Where am I? What the heck is going on?” I wasn’t frazzled that she cried. I was in love, and ready to love her forever.

Here is the video of our Gotcha Day (This is what those adopting in China call the day that their child is placed in their arms for the first time and forever).


Thank you to SO many of you that have prayed, given, loved, encouraged, cheered, and walked along side our family as we journeyed to Naiya…WE are FOREVER grateful. And, guess what? The journey WITH Naiya is just beginning! Next post will have pictures of the rest of our time in China and our first days/weeks with Naiya…WHAT A BLESSING SHE IS!!! Every good and perfect gift comes from above!


Glimpse Into Her World

Tonight, this was in my inbox! An update of our Naiya. The update mentions her Chinese name – YingJia. YingJia will be Naiya’s middle name. A woman at the Chinese restaurant that we frequent said that her name is beautiful…It is the picture of a beautiful sunrise lighting up the morning sky.

The update was wonderful to read and it gives us just a glimpse into this soul that is our daughter. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Here it is:

“YingJia has 4 teeth now and she is a great eater, she has 3 bottle of milk every day plus 2 half bowl of noodles or congee or a steam bread, eggs etc. before she takes her naps, she will play for a while in her crib and then takes naps, she has learned many skills, she claps her hands for welcome and waves her hands for goodbye. She also can say ‘ ma ma’ and has started walking. After she learns walking, she is very busy and walks very where all the time. Sometimes, she walks to kitchen to grab snacks to eat. She is a very caring person, if she sees little kids crying, she will shake their cribs to comfort them or push their walkers around rooms. She is a good driver and knows where she can go while she is pushing a walker without hit anyone or anything around .”

Amazing to know that any blog now we will have pictures of Naiya YingJia in our arms! After reading this update, we are reminded of the blessing that she will be and already is to our family (and it sounds like even where she is now).

Would you be praying for her and for her transition to our family and new world she will be entering? And for all of us- the boys are gaining a sister. They will be amazing big brothers! Please pray that we are given the wisdom to parent this precious one and to know the best way to comfort, love, and meet her needs. What an honor!!!

It’s Go Time!

Last night, we received an email from our adoption agency telling us that our Travel Approval would be here any day and we should begin preparing to travel either next week (What? That’s NEXT week!) or the week after. That email really put us into high gear and we realized just how very close we are to holding Naiya!

Today, we received Travel Approval and we await the final date for our Consulate appointment (1-2 day wait). As soon as we get that appointment, we must buy airline tickets.

It’s sinking in…we are really heading to China (very soon- in the next 2 weeks) and our daughter is there waiting for us!

This is really happening!


Lovely Ladybugs

This evening, I cried. The wait is long and hard and worth it. Most days, I hold it all together quite well, but tonight a good cry was a good release. As the tears flowed and John (very sweetly and patiently) reminded me of how close we are to going to get Naiya, he said, “Hey, look, a ladybug”.

There was a ladybug on our dining room chandelier- right above where I was sitting.


Ladybugs are a special symbol in the China adoption community. When a ladybug shows up, it’s viewed as good luck and a reminder that great things are heading your way- like a precious child!

I am not superstitious, but I do believe in God’s perfect timing and reminding me that He sees and He knows and that our waiting is not in vain.

Thankful. Ready to go get her. Realize that God wants us to trust Him. And reminded that “those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength”.

Liking this ladybug today.

Can’t Sleep

Laying wide eyed staring at the ceiling. My mind is going a million miles a minute- thinking of Naiya (we are so close), China (a place I love and can’t wait to share with my husband and sons), my grandmother (complete restoration), getting our travel approval (any day now), grants (please, God) what to pack (it’s cold in Beijing – a chilly 17- we’re going to freeze!) and how good ice cream sounds right now!

After entertaining all of these thoughts, I found myself closing my eyes and silently laying each one at our Father’s feet- in His hands. There is rest there and…I’m sure the boys will agree that ice cream will taste great tomorrow!

The Last Great Wait

It’s December 28 and we are waiting for Travel Approval from China to be able to bring Naiya home. This wait typically takes 2-4 weeks. Some have received it in just 7-9 days, but 2 weeks has been the average. We are on day 11.

Once we receive this approval, we will travel in 10-14 days! We are soooo ready!!! We truly are in the “bring her home” stretch.

Would you pray for God’s perfect timing and provision (we are waiting to hear back from 4 grant committees for remaining funds we need)?

We are thankful that this Christmas was our last apart from Naiya…Her orphanage sent a Christmas card. Naiya is sitting on the nanny’s lap all the way to the right. She’s wearing a blue bib!


We received an update also. Naiya is 14 months old. She weighs 20 lbs. Has a shoe size of 3. Is drinking her bottles on her own and also taking other children’s bottles to drink (little one must be making up for lost time). And…the update says that she cries very loudly so that all can hear her. I love it!

Below are the two pictures attached to the update:

The blue toy in her hand is one that we sent in her care package in October!!!


Naiya is learning to walk!!!


Naiya, sweet one, Mama, Baba, and your Geges are coming. Just know: We love you already…more than you know…we can’t wait to show you and tell you everyday.

There is a God

Who am I to doubt or worry?  God sees all and knows all.  He knows just where Naiya is and He knows how she must be cared for and loved.  He has brought us to her and soon we will be together.

There is the inbetween time.  The time when I have wondered what she is doing, if someone is holding her today or kissing her cheeks, if she is warm enough or had enough to eat–I am thinking of her and wondering and wishing we were together and while we are apart praying for her to be held, loved, and cared for– kept safe.

Tonight, while online, I came across a group of moms that have adopted from the same city that Naiya is in.  One mom was just in Naiya’s city and the same orphanage to bring home her 2 year old son in July of this year.  She offered to look through her pictures to see if there were any of Naiya that she had.  I sent her a couple of pictures of Naiya (post surgery) and her first comment was to ask when she had her lip surgery.  I realized that the only 2 pictures that I sent was after her surgery, so I sent her 2 more pictures of Naiya pre-surgery.

She sent me the picture that she had and then said that she had a story for me.  Here we go…

Read below to see what she and her husband have to say about Naiya:

“Oh my word!!! Oh Kelly, my husband fell head over heels for her. He prayed over her and would have scooped her up if he could have!!! When I showed him your first pictures you sent he said “I know those eyes”. We are SO incredibly happy that you are her momma!!!!”

After I let out a loud sob and thanked the Lord out loud for this gift, I asked if they held her and what her personality is like.  This was her reply:

“I wish we could have held her…she seemed so sweet!!! My husband said she was a doll, a total sweetie and very curious about him..and my camera!!! He said while he was praying over her she kept looking at him like he was interesting.  In the picture she was trying to reach for my camera. She has a beautiful face!!!! She captured both of our attentions right away. “
Here is Naiya through this precious couple’s eyes:
Sweet sweet Naiya never doubt for a moment that there is a God and that He loves you, cares for you, prays and sings over you, and knows just where you are and is bringing your family to you.  And for me– I won’t doubt that God knows just where my heart is either and that He knows what joy floods my heart to have just a glimpse into her world while we are apart and to know that some one has stood close to her and chosen to pray over her.
There is a God and He is good.
“For the Lord your God is with you.  He is mighty to save.  He will rejoice over you with singing and quiet you with His love.”  Zephaniah 3:17

It’s Time to Bring Naiya Home ONLINE Auction

Today begins the start of the “It’s Time to Bring Naiya Home ONLINE Auction”!  This auction is one of the ways that we will be able to fund Naiya’s adoption.  Thank you to the many people and businesses that have generously donated!!!  Thank you for being a part of the journey to bring Naiya home!  Now…let’s get her here:)

To start shopping, go here:  http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151499621384816.590198.696359815&type=1&l=2e1d97941e

The auction will end at 10pm on Saturday, November 17.

Ready, set, BID!